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Limburg Innovation

About the timeline


Application Period


You can sign up from February until September.
  • Create an account
  • Add team members
  • Add information to your project profile 
  • Share your C.V. with the partner network

Inspiration Workshop Early Birds

17:00 - 18:30
  • Don't have an idea yet but would love to join the challenge? Join the Inspiration Workshop for Early birds and develop an idea with which you can participate during the Maastricht University Challenge!
    This workshop consists of 2 parts.
  • On May 17 we introduce you to the challenge and provide tools to get you started.
  • On May 25 we dive deeper into brainstorming and setting up your project. 

Q&A Session

15:00 - 16:30
New to the Challenge? Whether you have signed up already or have just heard about it, you can join this Q&A Session.
This is your chance to ask any questions you may have about the events, network opportunities, or coaching! 

If you don't have an account yet, sign up here .

Inspiration Session September

To be announced

  • No idea yet? Join the Inspiration Session!
  • We will help you develop an idea with which you can pariticpate in the challenge 
  • Looking for students to join your team? Attend this event and meet students who are looking for an existing team!
  • Create an account in order to sign up for this event 

Kick Off Event

Online - MS Teams
15:00 - 17:00
  • Kick Off Event with participants and partners
  • Get to know your fellow competitors and coaches from the partner network
  • Learn about the do' and don'ts during the challenge


To be announced

  • Join interactive (online) workshops in September, October & November
  • Workshops will revolve around several topics, such as the business model canvas, financial and legal advice and how to deliver the perfect ptich
  • Workshop 1: October 7
  • Workshop 2: October 15
  • Workshop 3: October 26

Speed Date Event

To be announced

  • An afternoon filled with brainstorming and coaching
  • Great opportunity to receive (online) face to face feedback!

Selection Finalists


  • The partner network and organisation select the teams that take part in the Grand Finale
  • Selection is based on information provided by teams in the dashboard, as well as their participation throughout the challenge

Pitching Workshop

To be announced

  • Get the opportunity to receive personal feedback on your final pitch
  • Finetune and practice your presentation and pitch deck

Online Grand Finale

Online | Maastricht University
15:00 - 17:00
  • During the Grand Finale the best teams will give a one-minute pitch about their entrepreneurial idea or innovative prototype 
  • After the pichtes, a few teams will participate in the Q&A session, in which the Expert Jury poses several in depth questions
  • The afternoon will end with an award ceremony and a bunch of ecstatic students!

After Trajectory

  • Contact with students or companies about further development of innovations via online dashboards
  • Co-creation between students and companies, start of innovation processes in-house and financing
  • Innovation Sprint Days
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